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These guided visualizations and money magnetizing audios will allow you to attract more prosperity and success into your life
Sandy Forster's story of welfare to millionaire by mastering the Law of Attraction is exciting, inspiring and empowering.

She's an International Millionaire Mindset Speaker, Mentor, Bestselling Author and Multi-Award Winning Business Owner. Over 5 million people have seen, read or heard Sandy’s coaching advice and she’s recognized as one of the world’s leading Prosperity Coaches.

In 2014 she was invited to be a member of Jack Canfield’s exclusive Transformational Leadership Council alongside the world’s most famous authors and experts in the personal empowerment field.

When her income went from $15,000 a year to over $150,000 within 12 months she thought her money worries were over. But lacking the right mindset to keep that wealth or the skills to handle it, meant she once again lost everything. This led to avid research on the subject of abundance and how to dissolve money sabotage so you attract and keep more of it in your life. She's since gone from welfare to millionaire and inspires and empowers others to create the prosperity they desire.

Sandy is recognized as a leading Law of Attraction expert and loves to show others how to manifest more money by tapping into the power of the Universe and using cutting edge processes to break through money blocks.
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